Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Knitaboo - boutique knit wear and more

This is my good friends Mia's blog and she has just posted some of her new products. Which are adorable click on over and have a browse or visit her Etsy shop

I designed and produced all her branding. She has done very well for herself, she even has some of her items in a shop in Carnaby Street, London. Take a look at the shop - Things British.


Friday, 8 June 2012

Jubilee hearts

Here are some hearts I made in honour of the Jubilee. I'm wondering if there is a market for them? I may need to scent them, to make them appeal to the mass market. Currently I collect hearts. Whenever I'm on holiday I buy a heart - soft or wooden - and I have them hanging all around the house (in an aesthetically pleasing way). This is only my second batch, so I'm still learning.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Jubilee celebrations

What better way to start a blog than with a party piece. We celebrated the Jubilee in style this weekend with a party at our place. We themed it red, white and blue! What other colours are there when celebrating good old Great British history. We had great fun making the cup cakes and coloured drinks. (We added food colouring to the lemonade). I bought Talking Tables decorations. They do a lovely vintage tea party range as well.

Being gluten free, I had to make a special batch of everything so I could enjoy the food as well! Much fun was had by all.

I do hope you enjoy this blog, which will be filled with home made, hand made crafts, events and inspiration! And maybe just maybe some tutorials in the future :)